Glossary- Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Retirement

Net Asset Value (NAV)

The value of a fund share. Determined by dividing the total value of the fund's assets by the number of outstanding shares. This value is calculated daily by the fund.

Non-disclosure of material facts

An applicant fails to disclose facts that have an impact on the decision of the underwriter (had the underwriter known of this fact, the decision would have been different)

Non - medical cases

Cases where a medical examination is not necessary. Large number of cases are straightforward and do not have any medical problems. For cases within limits on age and the amount on cover, a medical examination is not necessary.

Non-participating policy

Non-participating policy is also known as a without-profit or non-par policy. The policy owner does not share in any divisible surplus made by the life insurance company. No bonus is paid on this policy.


Non-performing Asset


National Stock Exchange