Know what is insurance

Life stage profiler

All through your life, several significant events the birth of your child, moving to a larger home, his or her education and wedding, buying a new car, retiring from work will occur at various stages and demand your financial commitment. If you plan in advance for these events, you will quite naturally be prepared when they occur.

Life insurance is an effective tool that assists you to plan for your future such that you are financially equipped to meet all your goals.

Our special tool, the Life Stage Profiler, assists you to plan for a secure financial future. Please use the tool, right away!

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Which important goals should you plan for in advance?

  • Your family's protection : so that your loved ones are secure should an unfortunate event happen to you. Buying Life insurance assures that your family receives a lumpsum that safely tides them over any financial crises that might occur in your absence.
  • Child's education : As parent, your primary responsibility is to ensure your children's future. Our Education Insurance plans ensure your child receives money at key stages of his or her education even in your absence.
  • Savings : Savings plans allow you to steadily save towards a pre-decided goal in a secure manner. These plans provide you with a host of benefits. You can choose the premium, the underlying fund in which you want to invest your money, the ratio between protection and investment as per your requirements.
  • Retirement : Retirement plans help you secure regular income for your retired life. During the Accumulation phase, you systematically save while you are working. When you retire, the Payout stage of the plan begins. You then purchase an annuity, which will serve as a steady stream of income, for the rest of your life.