Know what is insurance

Why do I need life insurance

Who will take care of my family if tomorrow something unfortunate happens to me?
If this question bothers you, then Life Insurance is the answer.

Of course, under any circumstances, the loss of a loved one is a traumatic experience. But, if your family is also left without sufficient money to meet basic living needs or prepare for future goals, they will have to cope with a financial crisis at the same time. A Life Insurance plan ensures that your family is financially secure even if tomorrow you are no longer around to care for them.

Advantages of Life Insurance

Life insurance, especially tailored to meet your financial needs

Need for Life Insurance

Today, there is no shortage of investment options for a person to choose from. Modern day investments include gold, property, fixed income instruments, mutual funds and of course, life insurance. Given the plethora of choices, it becomes imperative to make the right choice when investing your hard-earned money. Life insurance is a unique investment that helps you to meet your dual needs - saving for life's important goals, and protecting your assets. Let us look at these unique benefits of life insurance in detail.

Asset Protection

From an investor's point of view, an investment can play two roles - asset appreciation or asset protection. While most financial instruments have the underlying benefit of asset appreciation, life insurance is unique in that it gives the customer the reassurance of asset protection, along with a strong element of asset appreciation.

The core benefit of life insurance is that the financial interests of one's family remain protected from circumstances such as loss of income due to critical illness or death of the policyholder. Simultaneously, insurance products also have a strong inbuilt wealth creation proposition. The customer therefore benefits on two counts and life insurance occupies a unique space in the landscape of investment options available to a customer.

Goal based savings

Each of us has some goals in life for which we need to save. For a young, newly married couple, it could be buying a house. Once, they decide to start a family, the goal changes to planning for the education or marriage of their children. As one grows older, planning for one's retirement will begin to take precedence.

Clearly, as your life stage and therefore your financial goals change, the instrument in which you invest should offer corresponding benefits pertinent to the new life stage.

Life insurance is the only investment option that offers specific products tailormade for different life stages. It thus ensures that the benefits offered to the customer reflect the needs of the customer at that particular life stage, and hence ensures that the financial goals of that life stage are met.

The table below gives a general guide to the plans that are appropriate for different life stages.

Life Stage Primary Need/th> Life Insurance Product

Young & Single

Asset creation

Wealth creation plans

Young & Just married

Asset creation & protection

Wealth creation and mortgage protection plans

Married with kids

Children's education, Asset creation and protection

Education insurance, mortgage protection & wealth creation plans

Middle aged with grown up kids

Planning for retirement & asset protection

Retirement solutions & mortgage protection

Across all life-stages

Health plans

Health Insurance

Life Insurance is an effective tool to save tax, to know more click here