Unit Linked Plans (ULIPs)

Traditional Savings / Money Back Plans
ICICI Pru Smart Life
- Choice of portfolio strategies : Choose between Fixed Portfolio Strategy & Life Cycle based Portfolio Strategy based on your requirement.
- Comprehensive protection: On death of the life assured, receive
- Lump sum benefit
- Smart Benefit: All future premiums payable under the policy will be waived and allocated by the company - to ensure that your savings for your desired goal continue uninterrupted
- Liquidity: Fund any intermediate financial need through Partial Withdrawals, any time after the completion of five policy years. Partial Withdrawals will not reduce the protection level.
- Loyalty benefits: Get rewarded with Loyalty Additions and Wealth Boosters on staying invested with us over the long term
- Tax benefits on premiums paid and benefits received as per the prevailing tax laws
- Sum Assured including Top-up Sum Assured
- Minimum Death Benefit
- Minimum Death Benefit = 105% of the total premiums paid including Top-up premiums, if any.
- Smart Benefit: Secure your goal with Smart Benefit. Under this benefit, for Regular Pay policies, following the date of death of the life assured, provided all due premiums have been paid, units equivalent to the instalment premium will be allocated by the Company on the subsequent premium due dates.
The charge for this rider will be deducted by cancellation of units on a monthly basis. The charge is independent of age and is `45 p.a. per `1 lakh of Rider Sum Assured. This charge is guaranteed for the term of the contract.
Rider Sum Assured:
Equal to the Sum Assured of the base policy, subject to a maximum of Rs 50 lakh.
For more information click here
- This is in the form of extra units at the end of every policy year
- Each Loyalty Addition will be equal to 0.25% of the average of the Fund Values
- You get an additional Loyalty Addition of 0.25% every year from the end of year 6 if all premiums for that year have been paid
- Each Wealth Booster will be 3.25% for Regular Pay policies and 1.5% for Single Pay policies of the average of the Fund Values
- So, for a 25 year Policy Term, Wealth Boosters will be allocated 4 times
- Decide your premium amount, policy term and premium payment option
- Select the Sum Assured as per your protection needs
- Choose to invest in one of the 2 available Portfolio Strategies
- On maturity of your policy, receive your maturity benefit as a lump sum or as a structured payout through settlement option to meet your financial goals
- In case of your unfortunate death during the policy term your nominee will receive the Lump Sum benefit. All future premiums will be waived and Units will be allocated as if the future due premiums are being received as per the premium payment term. The Nominee will receive the Fund Value, including Top up Fund value, if any, at the policy maturity date
Age at entry | Min. Sum Assured | Max. Sum Assured |
Less than 45 years | Higher of (10 X Annual Premium) and (0.5 X Policy term X Annual premium ) | As per maximum Sum Assured Multiples |
45 years and above | Higher of (7 X Annual Premium) and (0.25 X Policy term X Annual premium ) |